Improvement of the Soil – Why and How?

First, what is ‘improvement of the soil’?  At its base, improvement of the soil is rehabilitation of the biological diversity in the soil. Soil that has an abundance and variety of microorganisms will be full of life, fertile and stable. Lifeless soil is deficient, structureless and prone to erosion. What’s the structure of healthy soil? […]

Improvement of the Soil – Why and How? Read More »

Creating a food forest? Why is it worth it?

We are in the midst of a growing environmental crisis. Pollution is worsening, natural resources are dwindling, climate is rapidly changing, and extreme weather events are increasing. Due to the situation, a growing need arises to examine new approaches for the interface between humans and their environment. We must reexamine the way we utilize our

Creating a food forest? Why is it worth it? Read More »

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